Saturday, April 29, 2017

Finding a personal leadership style

Leader got more than one way to lead effectively, which means there is no perfect leadership style. When a leadership style that matches your strengths and weaknesses, values, beliefs and personality. Once you understand yourself enough to determine your style, then you can begin building your skills, practicing and more. Therefore, this blog is written to determining to finding my leadership style.

These first three strategies will move me through the path.

  •  Consider own values - My behaviors, choices and actions will be guided by those values. All of this is a foundation of my personal leadership style.

  •  Know the personality traits - Action oriented people can lead, as can disciplined planners and researchers. These natural tendencies are an important foundation for my style. 

  • lValidate strengths, recognize weaknesses - Take my personality preferences and tendencies and put that together with past experiences and learning moving towards my strengths and weaknesses. 

Once i understand my own values, i can begin looking to round out my leadership style. Here are some ways i need to do:

  •  Learn from, dont emulate - Always look to leaders that i admire, there is much i can learn by observing others. Doing better and understand for own style is far healthier for the development.
  • Give a time - Give myself some time to take the steps suggested. Be patient, andlearn how to get feedback from others and always improve myself.
  •  Keep learning - No excuse to stop learning, or allow me to deny my weaknesses. 

Besides, my character and working style is more on care and concern for the people, with a comfortable and friendly environment and style. I assume that if employees are happy, they will work hard. I am high interest in the needs and feelings of employees affects productivity. With much of the focus on employee comfort, and i finds it difficult to punish an employee. As a result, the relationship between employee and leader is very casual, like that of friends. Besides, i realize that i had a low focus on task may give questionable results. Therefore I am belong to the country club management leadership style.

All leaders build up their own unique styles for leading and managing people. From a hiring and management perspective, understanding the nuances of individual leadership styles has an advantage of appropriately placing leaders within the workplace. Selecting the right leaders for the right jobs can be strategic in achieving both short and long-term goals for a company.

Your leadership style will address a problem differently than others. When challenges arise you can contribute best to the solution by understanding your leadership style. It may mean youre the best to get involved with the issue or use another strategy for solving the situation. You can arrive at the most effective result by navigating the strengths of your leadership style.

To my understanding my leadership is strong on my belief because I leave my own country Malaysia and come to a virtually unknown land. My managing of my situation of transition make me a strong person within my self. With manager my emotions away from home leaving my job give me strong leadership quality. Irrespective of which category I belong to I continue to work and improve my leadership style. Finding leadership style that may work for me but the good things I have is to improve that and better utilize now in my daily like.

Like many people say every journey starts with a footstep. My journey to become a good leader started the day left my country. to enhance and better understand this unit which I am studying gives me more idea to improve and most important thing to move forward a successful leader.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Ethical Leadership

What do we mean by ethical leadership?

Ethical leadership as the demonstration of appropriate conduct through personal actions and relationships and the promotion of such conduct to subordinates through two-way communication, reinforcement, and decision making. (Dion, M. 2012)

We can’t really discuss ethical leadership without looking first at ethics. Ask 100 people or 100 philosophers, what they mean by ethics, and you might get 100 different answers.

Some of the different ways that the “ethics” is defined:

l Situational ethics - What’s right depends on the context of the situation. What’s right in one situation may be wrong in another.

l Cultural relativism - Whatever a culture deems right is ethical for that culture. No one has any right to judge the ethics of another culture except on its own terms.

l Professional ethics - Many professions – law, medicine, have their own specific codes of ethics, which all members of those professions are expected to follow. Members of those professions are considered ethical in their practice if they adhere to the code of their profession.

l Value-based ethics -The assumption here is that everyone has a set of values she lives by. A person is behaving ethically if her behavior matches her values.

l Ethics based on fairness - Ethical behavior consists in making sure everyone is treated fairly.(Palmer, D. E. 2009).

From my view, three key components of ethical leadership lead to success:  

1. Leaders become credible and authentic as ethical role models by engaging in ongoing behaviors that subordinates deem unselfish and ethically appropriate. These behaviors include being honest, showing consideration for others, and treating people fairly and with respect.

2. Ethical leadership requires emphasizing the importance and significance of ethics. Communicating about ethics on a consistent basis is a key component to ethical leadership; leaders who behave ethically but never talk to their subordinate about ethics will fall short in ethical leadership.

3. Ethical leadership entails creating ethical command climates that set the         conditions   for positive outcomes and ethically appropriate behavior and provide negative outcomes for inappropriate behavior.
  (Brown, M. E., Trevino, L. K., & Harrison, D. A. 2005).

How does effective ethical leadership affect people?
l Ethical leadership results in positive relationships between the leaders and their subordinates. Had a positive relationship with subordinates’ satisfaction with their leaders and their perceptions of how fairly their leaders treated them.

l Ethical leadership results in important behavioral outcomes as well.  subordinates to be more willing to report problems and to engage in higher levels of effort. Management and colleagues found that ethical leadership was associated with less unethical behavior and more positive helping and citizenship behavior by subordinates

From my past 10 years working experiences, I found that ethical leadership can spread through an organization all the way to the front lines. Front-line workers behaved more ethically and cooperatively when their immediate supervisors ranked high in ethical leadership. Even more interesting, ethical leadership in top management and leader teams predicted ethical and cooperative behavior of front-line employees and lower-level supervisors. This indicates that high or low ethical leadership from leaders at the very highest levels influenced leaders at lower levels, who in turn influenced the ethical behavior of everyone else.

Finally, and perhaps most important, an ethical leader never stops reexamining his own ethical assumptions and what it means to be an ethical leader. Like so many other important tasks, maintaining ethical leadership is ongoing; like only a few others, it can last a lifetime.

Dion, M. (2012). Are ethical theories relevant for ethical leadership? Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 33(1), 4-24. doi:

Palmer, D. E. (2009). Business leadership: Three levels of ethical analysis. Journal of Business Ethics, 88(3), 525-536. doi:

Brown, M. E., Trevino, L. K., & Harrison, D. A. (2005). Ethical leadership: A social learning perspective for construct development and testing. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 97(2), 117-134. Retrieved from